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Mothers Union

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Mothers Union

Mothers Union Poitou Charentes

Our branch is the only one in France and we would love to welcome new members. MU is present in 84 countries, our members are not all mothers, or even women! We are here to share God’s love, by encouragement, support and practical help in family life. We support lots of the work that MU do worldwide. Our branch here in France support the AFIA (Away From it All) holiday scheme, sending a family away for a week’s holiday, whom otherwise would not be able to enjoy a holiday. We do a small amount of fundraising for this as well as virtual coffee mornings, bring and share lunches, a quiet day of reflection, and trips out together. We worship together once a year with our MU service where members who are geographically separated meet up to re-dedicate themselves to MU and to their faith through Christ. You can find out more about the work of MU by going to:

Next Meeting : Boat trip Saintes

August 8th 2023 Boat Trip Saintes info from Sue Wilcock.
Assistant Chaplain:Vacant
Church Wardens: Wanda Mckerchar and Andrew Chambers

Tel: 06 21 32 31 28

Registered Office (for postal deliveries)
16 Avenue de l'Hotel de Ville, 79110, Chef Boutonne.
Tel: 06 21 32 31 28