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Mothers Union

Introducing Your Team

Reflections / Fellowship

News from the Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy Calendar and Events

Your Team

Andrew Chambers - Warden, Sally Freeman, Jane Thomas, Sue Wilcock (Safeguarding, MU), Rev Nikki Marshall, Geoff Cornwall (Synod Rep, Reader), Wanda McKerchar - Church Warden, Catherine Chambers (Synod Rep, Lay Chair, Reader) Sam Brett, Neil Harvey Reader, Rev Florence Lorrain
Chaplain:The Reverend Heather Aston

Church Wardens: Wanda Mckerchar and Andrew Chambers

Tel: 06 21 32 31 28

Registered Office (for postal deliveries)
16 Avenue de l'Hotel de Ville, 79110, Chef Boutonne.
Tel: 06 21 32 31 28