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Mothers Union

Introducing Your Team

Reflections / Fellowship

News from the Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy Calendar and Events

Home Groups

Home groups

No matter where we are on our faith journey, fellowship is an important part of our Christian faith. Coming together to support one another is an experience that allows us to learn, gain strength and enjoy the encouragement and support of fellow believers. In coming together in fellowship, we share our giftings, insights into God’s Word, share our concerns and blessings. We also have the opportunity to worship and pray together. We are always delighted to have new friends join us. Currently the Home Groups are taking a summer break. Watch this space for news of groups restarting in September.
Day Time Host Contact
Home GroupsThere are currently no Chaplaincy Home Groups
Assistant Chaplain:Vacant
Church Wardens: Wanda Mckerchar and Andrew Chambers

Tel: 06 21 32 31 28

Registered Office (for postal deliveries)
16 Avenue de l'Hotel de Ville, 79110, Chef Boutonne.
Tel: 06 21 32 31 28