Mothers Union
MU Advent Bring and Share
Our next event will be on Friday 6th December with our coffee morning at Chef Boutonne 10.30am. All welcome.
MU wishes you a very Happy Christmas and every blessing for 2025.
If you would like to know more about MU across the world , please visit:
MU Coffee Morning Chef Boutonne
When: Friday 6th December
Where: The Church of Christ the Good Shepherd Chef Boutonne
Time 10:30 am
Come and find out some information about MU , enjoy coffee and cake, and buy some cards. All proceeds to go towards MU charities this year, including Away from It All ( AFIA) Holiday Fund.
More details and information from Sue Wilcock or Wanda McKerchar
MU Lunch in Cognac and Bring and Share Lunch December
Our next event will be our Christmas bring and share lunch at Sue and Charlie’s home.
Date: Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Time: Midday
Bring and Share Lunch with Christmas Raffle
Please let Karen or Sue know you are coming.
Lunch at WAFU Cognac 7th November 2024
To book your place contact Karen Burke or Sue Wilcock by Saturday 2nd November.
Where: WAFU Cognac 114 Rue Pierre Latecoere. 16100. Cognac
When: Thursday 7th November Midday
MU 20th Anniversary September 2024
We had a lovely service on Sunday 8th , which included re-dedication of our MU banner, we had both our oldest member who was President 20 years ago and our newest member present at our service. Afternoon Tea followed on Thursday 12th.
A good time was had by all and the Afternoon Tea including the raffle, raised €290. This, as you know, is particularly for our yearly funding of Away From It All ( AFIA) holidays for a deserving family locally. Well done everyone a fantastic amount!
MU Service and Afternoon Tea September 2024
MU Poitou-Charentes is celebrating its 20th Anniversary in September 2024
We are having a service of thanksgiving on Sunday 8th September at the Temple Cognac
10.30 am
This will be followed by coffee and cake
All welcome
Our second event that week will be a Celebration Afternoon Tea
Thursday 12th September 2024
Chez Wilcock : 2 rue des Acacias, Fiolle, 17120 Floirac
As many will know we have limited parking only in our garden, so numbers will be restricted and you must book for this event.
The afternoon tea will be provided by Sue and Charlie. There will be a raffle, and donations will be for our MU branch fundraising, including next years AFIA holiday.
All info from Sue Wilcock, MU Chair.
MU Bring and Share lunch 4th July 2024
Many thanks to Eileen and Mick for hosting our summer bring and share lunch.
If you would like to know more about MU in our area please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Sue Wilcock MU Chair :
MU Welcomes new members
Mothers Union Report 2024
MU Report March 2024
Mothers Union over the past year, has tried to get back to pre Covid activity, but has also continued to think carefully when and where we have been able to meet together. We have kept up to date via the MU national website and facebook enabling us to understand the work of MU worldwide. We also have a page on the church website, so please look us up.
Our branch did continue to meet virtually for some coffee mornings this year. We actually had five virtual coffee mornings as geographically we are still separated and this seems a great way to keep in touch. We were also able to plan some face-to-face meetings, which began with our AGM and bring and share lunch in March.
We managed five other meetings in 2023. The first a bring and share lunch, in one of our members beautiful gardens again, a chance to meet together, have fellowship, and raise a little money towards sending a family away on holiday. We continue to support AFIA ( Away from it All) holidays and other MU projects in our branch.
The second event was a boat trip in Saintes, with lunch, and the trip back. It was a lovely day and a good time of fun and fellowship was had by all who attended. In September we had an afternoon tea, which was our main fundraiser this year.
Due to the continued generosity of members, and friends of our MU branch, we were able to send one family away this year. This was achieved through the AFIA scheme, which we support, and we raised all the funds to send the family away. The family this year was a part of one of our members local communes. The family, it transpired was definitely in need of a holiday. Dad had to stay home to work and look after the animals, but mum and two girls enjoyed a week away at La Palmyre. Members of our branch went above and beyond this year, helping this family achieve their holiday. I have permission to report Mum was undergoing treatment for cancer care, and one of our members facilitated her receiving that medical care whilst away, and taking her to a long days outpatient appointment, whilst entertaining the girls. This holiday we found out was the only formal holiday the girls have ever been on, they enjoyed it immensely and are still talking about it. We are very sad to report that mum is now receiving end of life care. We are very grateful for all the donations to our AFIA holiday scheme, and this years experience shows how much it is needed and appreciated.
Our members continue to support both local and international projects. We individually answered the call to provide donations for projects worldwide, and members support food banks and Restos du Cœur, through donations at our services. We also donated to the recent MU Christmas appeal which helped Savings and Skills training for women in Tanzania and we continue to pray for this initiative.
In October we were able to participate in a service for Harvest at Cognac and it included a rededication, and acceptance of a new member, Wanda McKerchar, to our MU branch. It was very well attended, and we all enjoyed fellowship followed by cake! Finally in November 2023 we were able to have a bring and share lunch, with a festive theme.
We join with other members in Europe to say farewell to our European President Tonie Chandler, who has just retired and wish her every blessing in the future. We welcome our new European President Kikki Merritt as she takes up her new appointment with her dedication in Spain, at the beginning of June. We have also been in contact with Deborah Chapman, MU’s European Chaplain, and look forward to a closer connection to our European branches.
As I’ve highlighted before, we are a small group, but we’d love to expand, so if you’d like to join us, and help uphold the MU aim of sharing our Christian faith by helping transform communities, then do not hesitate to get in touch. Don’t forget MU is present in 84 countries, our members are not all mothers, or even women! We are here to share God’s love, by encouragement, support and practical help in family life.
We look forward to continuing to do that in 2024.
Please get in touch or find out more from
Sue Wilcock MU Branch Chair
MU Lunch Cognac Thursday 29th February
Venue: WAFU Restaurant 114 Rue Pierre Latecoere, 16100 Cognac
More details from Sue Wilcock email:
or Karen Burke email: